An Education Like No Other

  • measuring

    At Stanley, what we teach is as distinct as how we teach. Our teachers and our instructional approach help children reach their full potential academically, socially, emotionally, creatively and physically. Our mission is to inspire a lifelong love of learning; we achieve this by delivering a highly effective and meaningful curriculum based on Stanley's 7 Goals for Learners alongside clear subject-specific learning goals, while approaching instruction in a purposeful and creative way. 

Distinct Instructional Approach

Three Educational Divisions

Accredited by the Association of Colorado Independent Schools (ACIS)

  • ACIS logo Accreditation through the ACIS is a rigorous and exacting process involving a comprehensive self-study, a multi-day, on-site visit including in-depth interviews with faculty and staff, a compliance assessment including all relevant safety and programmatic standards, and a summary report from an evaluation team that details areas of program strength and opportunities for growth. It’s a process we proactively undergo in the name of ongoing school improvement for the benefit of our current families, our teachers and administrators, as well as new and prospective families in the Denver community. Learn more about the ACIS standards of accreditation here.



    Stanley is the place where I learned to pursue my passions, be creative, and take risks.  From choice with Allison Neckers to learning how to think logically with David Marias, it had this wonderful blend of experimentation and intellectual rigor.  I don't think it's a coincidence so many alums are doing cool things in the world.

    —Andrew Myers '08

    Cofounder, RippleMatch

  • Seven Goals chart


  • Curriculum Guidebook