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- 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Multi-Age Classroom Teacher
- Administrative Substitute
- K-8 Teaching Fellow
- Middle School Language Arts Teacher
- Middle School Spanish Teacher
- Substitute Teachers
- Upper Elementary Learning Specialist
- Upper Elementary School Counselor and SEL Teacher
- Teacher Preparation Opportunities at Stanley
- Stanley British Primary School
Join Our Inspired Community
For over 50 years, Stanley’s multi-age classrooms have been filled with engaged learners guided by inspired teachers.
Stanley teachers build safe, inclusive, dynamic learning communities. They understand children and childhood, see children’s strengths and build positive relationships. They construct an engaging, meaningful curriculum, and provide positive and relevant feedback and support to learners. They facilitate learning from one another and differentiate the learning to accommodate the different ways and means learners learn. They honor the whole child - the head, the heart, and the hands, and believe in the potential of each person. They communicate honestly and clearly with learners and families. They bring themselves to the classroom and community, and are authentic lifelong learners.
Stanley is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive school community; more than 35 percent of our students come from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds. When we think about diversity at Stanley, however, we think far beyond the numbers. Our goal is to create a learning community in which all backgrounds are valued and celebrated and in which all members feel a deep sense of belonging. We are especially interested in candidates from diverse backgrounds as well as those who are ethnically or racially diverse.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Stanley BPS is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status.
This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of Stanley BPS, including admissions, employment and access to services and programs.
Our Title IX coordinator is Jennifer Engleby, who also serves as the school’s director of operations. She can be reached at 303-360-0803, ext. 785.
For the 2024-25 school year, people interested in learning to teach in a progressive British Primary way have two options - The Stanley Fellows Program or The Public Education and Business Coalition Teacher Residency program. Intrigued? Click here to learn more.