• "It is a joyful, warm and inclusive environment that allows students to gain greater self-knowledge and to find their voices." – Sumant

  • What drew me to Stanley is its deep love of childhood and a commitment to doing what is best for kids. It is a joyful, warm and inclusive environment that allows students to gain greater self-knowledge and to find their voices. As a community, we see the strength that all forms of diversity brings to our school and how it helps students develop empathy and an appreciation of their responsibility to others.

    Our academic program is built upon the essential communication, quantitative and problem-solving skills our students will need and upon our 7 Goals for Learners: Self-Awareness, Collaboration, Respect, Curiosity, Perseverance, Academic Resourcefulness and Lifelong Learning.

    Not only are these qualities fundamental to a British Primary classroom, they also align with critical 21st century learning outcomes. The success of our graduates speaks for itself. We give each of our students the foundation to pursue higher learning and personal passions with confidence.

    We hope you will come to see us in person, as only a visit to campus can reveal the special character of learning at Stanley.


    Signed, Sumant
    Sumant Bhat, Head of School 

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